
Pass Plus

Pass Plus
Congratulations - you did it - you have passed your driving test !!
However, there is still a lot more to learn ...

About Pass Plus
Pass Plus is an established training course aimed at new drivers. It was designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry.

Statistics show that new drivers are more likely to have an accident in the first two years after passing their test, due to lack of driving experience.

Pass Plus builds on your skills and knowledge. It will teach you how to anticipate, plan for and deal with all kinds of hazards, to help you become a more confident driver.

Who can do Pass Plus training
You can take a Pass Plus course at any time, but it’s mainly aimed at new drivers in the first year after passing their test.

Pass Plus modules
Pass Plus consists of six modules about driving in different conditions:

Successfully completing Pass Plus makes you a better driver and can reduce your Insurance Premiums by up to 30%.
For more information, please contact me.

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