
Driving Lessons

Theory Driving Lessons
I am able to give you full training on every aspect of the Theory Driving Test, plus accompany this with tips and techniques on:
  • How best to understand the questions
  • Examination procedures and tips
  • Revision tips
  • The best books and websites to help you practice and pass
Every aspect of the Theory I teach is grounded in safe, practical, real-world driving  experience.

Practical Driving Lessons
Lessons are for two hours. Department of Transport research proves that more work and better results can be achieved with the two-hour lesson, rather than two one-hour lessons. The result; you pass quicker and therefore overall costs are cheaper.

Before you actually start driving, I will familiarise you with the car and roads. From the moment you start to when you pass, I will ensure you are learning in a safe, modern, dual-control car and are put in situations where you can learn to the best of your ability.

I will encourage you to ask questions and learn at your own pace.

Overall, I feel you can only learning when you want to, and the key to learning success is enjoyment. So I will do my utmost to helps you relax (if you are nervous) and to enjoy your lessons.

Passed and Want to Learn More
If you have passed your test ...

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Call 77990 971 417 Today